Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Not so good news, hopefully not serious

Today I had a gastroenterology appointment. If you don't know what this is it is a Abdomen Doc. Anything GI related is when you would go to this place. Well, for the past 5-6 months I have been battling Issues with my stomach so my PCP decided I needed to see the specialist. I started off with all the symptoms I have been having including intermittent sharp pains to my Left Upper Abdomen. She knew I was a Nurse Practitioner and asked what I thought it was. Frankly, I think I have an ulcer. Not that I eat anything spicy, I don't take alot of Anti-inflammatory medicine such as Motrin or aleve, I have been taking alot of Osteo-Bi flex. Now, that has been harsh on the stomach so I have cut that out. Another thing that has been aggravating the symptoms is Coffee and Citrus stuff.

While she was examining me, I kindly pointed out that over the course of the last few months my rib cage has been protruding more on my left side as well. She palpated, noticed tenderness on my lower ribcage as well as my stomach. Then, she listened to my heart. Now I have known I have a murmur. A soft murmur for the last year. It hasn't worsened, it doesn't cause me any trouble with anything. She looks at me and says so you know you have a good heart murmur here?! Yes. I do. I had an echo at the Hospital when I couldn't breathe in July and they told me I had a strong heart nothing wrong. Hmmm. Now Im concerned.

All day after this I have been fretting. What if I need surgery? What if they tell me I cannot do my Ironman? What if they tell me not to get my Heartrate above a certain level? What am I going to do? This is one of my dreams. Im not going to stop doing what I love to do! I cried a few times.

Anyways, I have to go for an endoscopy in 2 weeks where I will have a lovely little scope stuck down my throat to my stomach to look at what is going on. Along with this I need to call cardiology and make an appointment ASAP! Wish me luck in finding it is an Innocent murmur. Anything else and I will be heartbroken (in more ways than one!)


  1. Gosh Kristin...I sure do hope that everything is ok. Crossing my fingers for you that's it's just something minor. Keep your chin up!


  2. so sorry but youll get thur it your strong. love girl aunt faye.

  3. *fingers crossed* for good news! Hopefully they'll figure things out quickly and ease your fretting.

  4. OH no! Positive thoughts coming your way!!! I would say your heart is VERY strong!

  5. Gotta love endoscopys! I just had one a couple weeks ago!

  6. I'm sending lots of good thoughts your way that everything will turn out fine!!

  7. keep the faith, and keep us all posted.

  8. Sending super good vibes to you - mainly for you to not jump the gun and assume the worst. Stay in a positive frame of mind. Whatever the outcome is, you will find a way to do what is best for you. And Ironman doesn't make you any awesomer than you already are. We all know you are super awesome as is RIGHT NOW. BUT - fingers are crossed that everything will turn out as you wish it to. If it doesn't, it's time to get creative :-)

  9. yikes, hoping that everything works out okay!

  10. Powerful vibes coming your way. Also, don't jump the gun worrying about all the what ifs until you actually speak to the Doctor and get a thorough exam and you and he can come up with a plan.

    You are strong and will be able to figure this all out.

    Stay Positive!!!!!

  11. I will most definitely be thinking of you! Keep your chin up, girl. :)

  12. Keeping you in my thoughts Kristin! :)
