Friday, April 29, 2011

A Bittersweet Ending.

"I feel Extremely Lucky, extremely grateful and a little Bittersweet too"

Yesterday started like any other day. Got my daughter off to school and headed to work. I had a normal day, until 5PM came.

My office manager asked me to stop into my collaborating physicians office. At this time I was handed a paper that stated my services as a Nurse Practitioner weren't needed through the next 90 days of my employment. They handed me my vacation time paid, and explained to me that I would be paid my regular salary and benefits for the next 90 days.

What?! I. WAS. IN. SHOCK. I felt the walls closing in on me. I could feel my throat getting thicker, my eyes getting misty. I thought how could they do this to me? My patients? What are they going to tell them?

The office manager stated this was a business move on the offices part. If you have read before I am a Nurse Practitioner in a Family Practice office. I have accepted a job at a competing Family practice within a 30 (?) mile radius. I thoroughly looked at my contract for any of these clauses before I accepted the new position, which there was none so I assumed I was ok. The managements thought process is that I would take the patients that follow me to this new practice and they dont want to lose anymore than they already have.

See I started there 2 1/2  years ago and since that time 2 physicians have left and 2 have come on board. We lost patients, we gained patients. A Physicians assistant and I were the ones who kept the practice going through this whole transition so the patients got to know us well.

The office is not telling the patients anything. I cannot tell them where I have gone. I guess they will find out sooner or later. I feel bad about this aspect but in another it actually shows the company thinks Im really good and they are afraid the patients will follow me there.

So in the end, its bittersweet that I am leaving this office. On the other hand I have 3 MONTHS paid to me. I have time for training, for my daughter, for everything for 3 months!!! I am slowly getting over the heartbreak...

Until next time..


  1. this never makes sense to me.. if a company can afford to pay you for 90 days without you having to work, then why not keep you on? they really think you are going to poach that many patients? but awesome for free time and getting paid and having a new job lined up!

  2. I am sorry that they let you go but you are right they think you are awesome. However, think of all the time you will have to train for that big race on your schedule! Wasn't it the Musselman 1/2 and the big one Beach to Battleship? Woo Hoo!

  3. bummer with a bright shiny silver lining! I mean it SUCKS to be let go, but at least you ahve a job and you have 3 months to spend with your kids as summer approaches

  4. Sorry, I'm sure it's hard not to be able to tell your patients anything or say goodbye. It's also hard being on the other side having to tell people the business decisions that were made. I've had to tell people very similar things when they leave for competitors somtimes I'm not sure why I'm in the HR field. Enjoy your time off!

  5. Going through something like this is so stressful.I'm sure it will work out - when it happened to me last year (I had 4 months) my coach said "now you can train like a professional triathlete!" Silver lining everywhere.

  6. Wow..that is crazy! But, I'm glad you're able to find the silver lining in all of it! Hopefully everything will work out in the end.

  7. :( I'm so sorry to hear this Kristin. BUT, on the bright side just think of all the great things you can do in the three months that you are still getting paid. Way to have a great attitude!

  8. Last year I got laid off mid-May. At the time I was training for my first triathlon. Although I was bummed about losing my job, I embraced the time off. I joked with people that I was a professional triathlete. So, make lemonade out of lemons and hang in there! :)
