Monday, July 18, 2011

The Hottest 70.3 ever done!!

Yesterday was brutal! I really got delirious around mile 10 on the run. I almost lost it. But, I finished!! Not my best performance and certainly not what I am capable of! But, I finished the race standing up!!

Thank you for all who support me in my triathlon journeys!

More to come when pics are loaded and final race results are up!


  1. It seems like that is a common theme everywhere is the heat! I just completed a 10k in the heat and thought I wasn't going to survive so GOOD JOB on finishing a whole 70.3 in these conditions!!

  2. Congrats for finishing in less than ideal conditions. You are a rock star!

  3. Wow, congratulations!! Heat is the worst. I can't wait to read the full race recap!

  4. Damn straight you are capable of faster, we have the numbers and the spirit. We needed a big damn FAN!

  5. Congratulations on finishing! So anxious to hear your 70.3 is in 28 days and I'm panicking about the heat!!

  6. The heat is a killer!! Can't wait to see what unfolds in the race report!!

    Keep cool and rest!

  7. You rocked it out by freakin finishing! Glad to share an ice bath with you :-)
