Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Im so excited that I will be coached for the upcoming Tri season!! I've thought back and forth, long and hard about hiring a coach. When I signed up to do a Half-Iron man this year I was ready to make the commitment to triathlons and give it my best shot. I found a plan that I thought would work for me off of BeginnerTriathlete.com. I'd have to say it had its downfalls. Let me explain to you that if I need to do something, Im very anal about it and will complete my workouts. Which maybe is a blessing to my coach!! Ha ha!

Anyways, what I didn't like about the plan is that it never gave you a workout to do. I can say it gave me sets to do for swimming. The bike and run was just mileage. No tempo runs, no hill work, no speed drills, etc, etc. I tailored my plan a little to get me these workouts. Also there was no lifting/weights involved. Now you tell me not to do weights Im fine with it! But as the season progressed I noticed that I needed strength training more than ever.

Introduce my new coach, Mary Eggers!!! Woo hoo!! I know I've been bragging a little, but Im so excited for her to coach me! We tried to do an Online meeting yesterday but technicalities of the computer world made us talk by phone. It was great! I felt like she was my family..we talked..we laughed..I really think she will be good for me!

Now the nity grity. I am committing myself to Beach to Battleship Ironman Distance Race in November 2011, Musselman 70.3, and possibly Syracuse 70.3 again. I am also going to do a few sprints/olympics here and there I suppose. I know Im taking on alot!! Oh boy!!

We discussed what my goals are for the upcoming season...Mary asked for 3 and I think I gave her about 10!! Boy am I a needy client!! :) They are all attainable in my book if consistent effort is placed on my part!

Here are my goals for the upcoming season:
1. Improve running performance (This is my weakness)
2. Improve nutrition on longer distance races (So Im not cramping at mile 4 on the run!!)
3. Finish an Ironman Standing up
4. Improve swimming stroke
5. Increase power and endurance
6. Lose body weight.

See..I gave her 6! All things I know I can do!!

I will be starting training soon and I already have homework to do!!

"All life is is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better." Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. Good luck with your new coach and 2011! You have some great goals and I am sure you will get there!

  2. That's exciting Kristin! Congrats to you for making the choice and commitment to improvement! I'll be looking forward to following your journey!! Big goals - but I know you'll make it. Best of luck!!

  3. I think it's great that you are being coached my Mary! :) ANd your goals are definitely attainable! You are going to have an exciting year!!!

  4. Awesome! That would be so awesome to have a coach!

  5. Looks like it's going to be a challenging & exciting year for you! I'm considering B2B too - heard lots of great things about it. And great quote... will be stealing that one too. ;)

  6. Woo- hoo!! Join me!! It will be GREAT fun!! :)
