Great words to live by! While reading Maccas Last Chapter of
I'm here to Win, I can relate so much to this quote. I think anyone could if they set their mind on something they want to acheive. Granted the end all would be Kona for most triathetes, Boston Marathon for Runners, Swimmers- Well I don't know what the grand event for them would be.
What about ultras? They are the next step after Kona.. But do alot of people like to suffer more than Ironman distance?! There are plenty Im sure! Maybe that will be a goal to start with a Ultra Running event and move up to the Ultratriathlon after. Hmmm....Wheels are turning.
Anyways, If you have ever looked at a race and think its impossible, turn that around. The distance might intimidate you so start with sprints and work your way up. This way it wont feel so impossible to reach. I started 5 years ago just doing sprints. For 3 years I focused mainly on sprints, marathons, etc. I then went to the Olympic distance 2 years ago, 70.3 last year, then Iron-distance this year. For me, Breaking it up to obtainable goals for my own well being was what I wanted to do. Not that my way is right but I think its important to see what a race is going to feel at all levels of the triathlon world. I would never go from racing sprints to doing a Ironman the next year. My body isn't equipped like that. Not that it couldnt be done with consistency in training.
I always have a saying. I will make it to Kona by 80. Hey least it is a goal!! Will I obtain it before then? Im sure hoping!
I love in the book where Macca Says, "That first triathlon is terrifying and exhilarating, but you get through it. When you do, you feel incredible. The word hope becomes obsolete. You go from thinking I hope I can to this to I can do this. Damn, You're a Triathlete. You're one step closer to your goal"
Remember that first time you did a Triathlon? Remember all those butterflies? I still get them occasionally but nothing like that first time.
If you want to race Ironman distance, you have to make sacrifices. You are going to spend money. You are going to spend time away from your family. You are going to hurt. You are going to have days when your plan isn't executed. But believe in your goals and all will shine through.
Some ways to reach your goals:
1. Work with a coach. I started working with one last year and made alot of improvements in the last year
2. Develop a Nutritional Strategy- This definately took a lot of time for me. Its being consistent and really giving thought to what you put in your body
3. Watch other swimmers, runners, bikers. See what they do.
4. Talk to other traithletes, read blogs of other triathletes and learn from them
5. Join a Triathlon club. Everything is better with a group!
6. Learn about your gear and get the best for your money.
7. Take a calendar out, write your "A" race down and start setting goals. Start putting down every race you would like to do or can do
8. Have fun while racing. Dont be a poor sport!!
9. Accept that you are going to be a nervous wreck, We all were/are!!
10. Never give up!!